
Request for consultancy

The consultancy proposal originate from DU faculty/staff or from an external potential client, which can be a business or industrial organization or educational institutions in the public or private sector or community.

When the proposal originates from a faculty member, it is expected that helshe has formally discussed the consultancy needs with the external potential client. In that case, the faculty member should submit a formal “Consultancy Proposal” in the prescribed format (form) to his/her College Dean/ Foundation Program (FP) Director for approval.

When the proposal originates from an external client, the client will submit his/her “Request for Consultancy” in the prescribed format (form) to the DDR. The DDR, in consultation with the College Dean (FP Director) concemed, will nominate a suitable faculty member as consultant within 2 weeks of receiving the application. The nominated faculty member will discuss the consultancy need with the potential client and submit a “Consultancy Proposal” in the prescribed format to the DDR within 4 weeks of his/her nomination.

Once the consultancy proposal is approved, a “Consultancy Agreement has to be prepared, which will be in writing and signed by both the client and the faculty/staff member and endorsed by the DVC on behalf of DU. The consultancy agreement should clearly specifii the duties, responsibilities and obligations of both parties and DU regarding the consultancy.

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DU has a large pool of qualified and research-oriented faculty with a rich experience in consultancy and on the other hand, the Sultanate of Oman, and especially the Dhofar Region, is witnessing a rapid development in various sectors, which provides a huge scope for consultancy. In view of this, DU aims to provide a favourable atmosphere for its faculty and staff to embark on consultancy activities. The University considers consultancy as an essential professional activity related to the faculty’s area of expertise, skills and research and a tool for providing solutions to various challenges in business, social, economic and technical areas. It is perceived as an activity that is mutually beneficial to the faculty, university, industry and society in general. DU considers consultancy work as an important contribution from the University to society, through the transfer of knowledge and expertise to businesses, industry and community.

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